Organizations behavior's levels & its theories.

   1- Three levels of analysis in organization behavior.

   2- Factory work a century ago.
   3- The difference between theory X & theory Y.
   4- Definition of organizations.
   5- Contingency approach.

1- Three levels of analysis in organization behavior.

- O.B focuses on three levels of analysis: individual level, Groups, and organizations. For examples: at the individual level we will be describing how O.B specialists are concerned with individual perceptions, attitudes, and motives. At the group level, we will be describing how people communicate with each other & coordinate their activities between themselves in work groups. Finally, at the organizational level we will examine organizations as a whole- the way they are structured & operate in their environments, and the effect of their operations on the individuals & groups within them.

2- Factory work a century ago.

- Compared to the relatively safe & comfortable conditions encountered in today's factories, manufacturing plants at the beginning of the twentieth century were highly unpleasant place in which to work. Manager treated their employees like disposable machine replacing those who quit or died from accidents with others who waited outside the factory gates.

3- The difference between theory X & theory Y.

- We have two theories which reflect the different two view of management. The first reflect the traditional view of management. Douglas Mc Gregor called theory X orientation this theory assume that people are basically lazy, dislike work, need direction & will only work when they are being punished. Example: there is a carrot at the end of the disk).

- The second theory reflects today's view of management which assume that under the right conditions, people are fully capable of working productively & accepting responsibility for their work. Theory X and theory Y are reflected in the way organizations are designed.

4- Definition of organizations.

- Organization " A structured social system consisting of groups & individuals working together to meet some agreed- upon objectives" . O.B specialists recognize that organizations differ from one to another & they are dynamic not static system. Organizations are open systems self sustaining systems that transform input from the external environment into output, which the system then returns to the environment.

5- Contingency approach.

- There's no one best approach to lead, motivate, and make decisions. This fact is recognized in what is known as the contingency approach "A perspective suggesting that organizational behavior is affected by a large number of interacting factors. How someone will behave is said to be contingent upon many different variable at once.

- There are many factors no one factor only affected on organizations & on people in these organizations, for example: how strong is the economy? How competitive is the industry in which the organizations operate? When we teach O.B, we often found ourselves answering questions by saying "it depends" it is impossible to give straight answer. Because there's a lot of factors affect on behavior in organizations.


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